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Table of contents
Table of Contents |
Info |
For information about how to create a json config file to use with the autoProcessing wrapper, please visit this site: |
Info |
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask directly |
The autoProcessing wrapperis a python class included in the I13analysis module. It aims to create an easy to use interface between the users and SAVU. Changing of parameters in SAVU config files is automated by the interface and several methods allow tailoring individual reconstructions as required.
autoProcessing uses a combination of SAVU calls (for most data processes) and local reconstruction for the centering and entropy metrics calculation (used in automatic COR determination). Please make sure not to start any processes on the data acquisition machine. In addition, autoProcessing also searches for intermediate SAVU data to be reused to minimize the processing time. All intermediate data is written to the <visitID>/tmp folder and only center-finding and final reconstructions are written to the <visitID>/processing folder.
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Calling parameters
The following calling parameters are used to configure the autoProcessing
parameter | alias | datatype | description |
help | -h, --help | Use this to display all available options and help text on the command line | |
json file name | -jsonfile, -j | string (file path) | Path for the json config file which includes all the beamtime meta data. This is a mandatory argument. However, if omitted the script will look in the current working directory and if there is exactly one file with a .json suffix, this will be loaded. |
objecive number | -objective, -o | integer | The objective number to be used for the distortion correction.The default is <8> which corresponds to no distortion correction. |
centre of reconstruction | -cor, -c | float | The centre of reconstruction, if a manual input is required. This value will be replaced by the automatic centering if the latter is called. |
slice number | -slice, -s | integer | The slice number to be used for testing. If not specified, the value from the original SAVU configuration file will be used. |
stepping width | -dx | float | Step width for the automatic centering. Defaults to 0.1 |
range of center finding | -range | float | The range argument specifies which range is to be scanned for the final COR determination. The search range is [x0 - range, x0 + range]. The default range is 2.0 |
SAVU big | --big | Use this optional argument to call SAVU with the "BIG" keyword (running on com14 instead of com10). This allows you to start more than two parallel processes. | |
TXM file structure | --txm | Use this flag to use the TXM directory structure. | |
redo all calculations | -redo, -r | Use this flag to force re-running all preliminary SAVU steps. Required for example after changing the slice number. | |
scan numbers | integers | the number of the scans to be processed. Add as many scans as required, the will be worked on in a queue. Please note that an exception during runtime will stop the whole queue. |
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Configuration and starting up
Preparation of environment (perform only once for each beamtime)
The usage of scripts is the most convenient way. It is good practice to copy the script files and json file in the <visitID>/processing/auto_processing folder and work in there (please replace the YEAR and VISITID placeholders):
Code Block | ||
| ||
[fedID@machine ~]$ cp -r /dls_sw/i13/scripts/Malte/recoMicroCT /dls/i13/data/YEAR/VISITID/processing/recoMicroCT [fedID@machine ~]$ cd /dls/i13/data/YEAR/VISITID/processing/recoMicroCT [fedID@machine auto_procesing]$ chmod a+rx * |
The "chmod" allows you (and everyone else, i.e. also other team members) to read and call these script files.
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Non-standard SAVU plugins
If you use any non-standard SAVU plugins, please make sure that each team member has all required plugins copied to his/her savu_plugins folder:
Code Block | ||
| ||
[fedID@machine ~]$ mkdir /home/fedID/savu_plugins [fedID@machine ~]$ cp /dls_sw/i13/Scripts/Malte/savu_plugins/ /home/fedID/savu_plugins [fedID@machine ~]$ cp /dls/i13/data/YEAR/VISITID/processing/auto_processing/ /home/fedID/savu_plugins ... |
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Usage of predefined scripts
To prepare the terminal, go to your visit directory and load the required python libraries:
Code Block | ||
| ||
[fedID@machine ~]$ cd /dls/i13/data/YEAR/VISITID/processing/recoMicroCT [fedID@machine auto_procesing]$ source loadPython |
This step only needs to be performed once (but in each new console or shell).
To start a process, use for example:
Code Block | ||
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python -j VISITID.json -o 1 -dx 0.5 -range 5 XXXXXX YYYYYY |
This will start a full processing of scans XXXXXX and YYYYYY:
- Vo centering,
- COR refinement using metrics within +/- 5 pixels of the Vo-center and using a step width of 0.5
- full reconstruction
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on-the fly scripting
to use autoProcessing from within a script, you need to specify the calling parameters (all as string). You also need to load the I13analysis module, which can be found at /dls_sw/i13/scripts/Malte.
Code Block | ||
| ||
import sys sys.path.append('/dls_sw/i13/scripts/Malte') import I13analysis args = ['-j', '/dls/i13/data/2018/cm19664-3/processing/auto_processing/cm19664-3.json', '-o', '1', 'XXXXXX'] ap = I13analysis.autoProcessing(args) |
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Output and results
Folder and file structure
All results will be written to the <visitID>/processing/reconstruction/<scanNo> folder. The contents of this folder can be:
- scanXXXX_SavuRecon.nxs: the SAVU config file used for the final reconstruction. Useful to keep to check the processing steps again at a later stage.
- tomopy-centering folder: The results of Donath's entropy metrics test will be in this folder. There are several files:
- scanXXXXXX_cors.npy: the tested CORs in numpy's native file format (binary with header)
- scanXXXXXX_metrics.npy: the metrics' results for the tested CORs in numpy's native file format (binary with header)
- scanXXXXXX_metrics.png: A visualisation of the fitting data. The orange dots correspond to computed data points while the blue curve represents the fit around the minimum. The position of the vertical gray line shows the minimum value used for the final reconstruction.
- scanXXXXXX_slice0000_RecTest_Center.tif: A multi-tif image with the reconstruced centre slice for the different CORs tested. Please note that the "slice" in the filename is in cropped coordinates, i.e. does not correspond to slice 0 in the full dataset.
- scanXXXXXX_slice0000_RecTest_Center.txt: A text file to go with the tif file. It included the image numbers and centres of reconstruction to allow identification.
- tomopy-manualcentering folder: This folder will be created if the
method is called. The content is the same as for the tomopy-centering folder except around the manual COR. - YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_XXXXXX folder: The folder with the final SAVU reconstruction. Depending on the process list, this folder can include an hdf file with the reconstructed data and potentially a folder with individual tiff slices. (YYYY - year, MM - month, DD - day, HH - hour, MM - minute, SS - second, XXXXXX - scan number)