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Table of Contents


Process categoryBrief description

Computational demand

(low, medium, high)

Comment(s)Reference(s)Common alternative process(es)
loaderTo load raw data from input file(s).Depends on chunking.Capable of handling the case of dark- and flat-field images being supplied in datasets stored in individual NeXus datasets.


Code Block
titleSavu Configurator command
>>> disp 1 -avv

 1) NxtomoLoader(savu.plugins.loaders.full_field_loaders.nxtomo_loader)              
  A class for loading standard tomography data in Nexus format                       
    1)                preview : []
    A slice list of required frames.
    2)         image_key_path : entry1/tomo_entry/instrument/detector/image_key
    Path to the image key entry inside the nxs file.
    3)                   name : tomo
    The name assigned to the dataset.
    4)               3d_to_4d : False
    Set to true if this reshape is required.
    5)                   flat : [None, None, 1]
    Optional Path to the flat field data file, nxs path and scale value.
    6)              data_path : entry1/tomo_entry/data/data
    Path to the data inside the file.
    7)                   dark : [None, None, 1]
    Optional path to the dark field data file, nxs path and scale value.
    8)                 angles : None
    A python statement to be evaluated or a file.
    9)           ignore_flats : None
    List of batch numbers of flats (start at 1) to ignore.



How to load dark- and flat-field data from individual NeXus datasets?

Configure Any standard tomography NeXus scan file in DLS stores all the images (i.e. sample projections as well as dark- and flat-field images) in a single dataset located at entry1/tomo_entry/data/data, which is accompanied by another dataset with the corresponding image-key information, located at entry1/tomo_entry/instrument/detector/image_key in the same file. Hence, the default values of NxtomoLoader's parameters have been selected to match this scenario. However, NxtomoLoader can be used to load dark- and flat-field data from individual NeXus datasets, if required. This can be done by modifying the flat and dark parameters appropriately (see the table above for more details).