loader | To specify the location of raw dataset(s) to be used as input. | Low | - Implements lazy loading, i. e. no data is actually loaded until the first genuine access request is made by a subsequent process in the process list (as usual, the initial loading times depend on data chunking of source dataset(s)).
- Capable of handling the case of dark- and flat-field data being supplied in two individual NeXus datasets, one for the dark-field data and the other for the flat-field data (these two datasets are most often stored in two separate files, but it is also possible to have them stored as two separate datasets in a single file). No image-key information is required in this case to accompany either of the two datasets, and, if present (at the location specified by image_key_path), this information is ignored.
- Does not handle the case of the NXtomo entry pointing to a set of paths to individual TIFF files (as opposed to a single HDF5 dataset).
- Specifying the location of dark- and flat-field data in NxtomoLoader is not sufficient for the dark-and-flat-field correction to be applied (DarkFlatFieldCorrection needs to be explicitly included in every process list that seeks this correction).
| - NeXus NXtomo application definition
- NeXus file format
- HDF5 data model & file format