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ItemParameter nameParameter formatExample(s)Comment(s)
Parameter valueEffect
1preview[ind_0, ind_1,... ind_(n-1)]

[ ]To load the entire n-dimensional dataset, stored at location specified by the data_path parameter.Empty Python list, [ ], is the default value of the preview parameter.
[:, :, :]To load the entire 3d dataset, stored at location specified by the data_path parameter.
[:, s, :] To load from a given 3d dataset (stored at the data_path location) only a subset of data corresponding to the s-th sinogram.This particular interpretation applies if data are laid out in the (angle_enumeration, image_height, image_width) format.
[p, :, :]To load from a given 3d dataset (stored at data_path location) only a subset of data corresponding to the p-th projection.This particular interpretation applies if data are laid out in the (angle_enumeration, image_height, image_width) format.
[:, :, 123:-123]To load from a given 3d dataset (stored at the data_path location) only a subset of data generated by cropping the width of each projection by 123 pixels on either side.This particular interpretation applies if data are laid out in the (angle_enumeration, image_height, image_width) format.
[:, mid - 1:mid + 2, :]To load from a given 3d dataset (stored at the data_path location) only a subset of data corresponding to the middle 2 sinograms.mid is one of Savu keywords (with an obvious meaning).
[0:end:2, :, :]To load from a given 3d dataset (stored at the data_path location) only a subset of data corresponding to every other projection.end is one of Savu keywords (with an obvious meaning).
[:, 0:end:2, :]To load from a given 3d dataset (stored at the data_path location) only a subset of data corresponding to every other sinogram.


Mandatory dataset.






[<path-to-NeXus-file>, <path-to-dataset>, <exposure-time-compensation-factor>][/dls/i13/data/2018/cm123-4/raw/5.nxs, entry1/instrument/detector/pco1/data, 1.25]To load all flats from the flats-only dataset found at entry1/instrument/detector/pco1/data inside a NeXus scan file, located on the file system at /dls/i13/data/2018/cm123-4/raw/5.nxs, and then to multiply their pixel values by 1.25 (to compensate for the flat-field exposure time being 0.8 times shorter than the sample-projection exposure time).
  1. Specify this parameter only if flats are not stored in the same dataset as sample projections.
  2. If <path-to-NeXus-file> is not None, then flats are loaded from a dataset found at <path-to-dataset> inside a NeXus file, located on the file-system at <path-to-NeXus-file>, and their pixel values are then multiplied by <exposure-time-compensation-factor>.
  3. No image-key information is required to accompany the flat dataset, and, if present (at the location specified by image_key_path), this information is ignored.
  4. Note that , if the multiplication by <exposure-time-compensation-factor> is different from 1, then multiplication by this factor (even if the latter is equal to 1) changes the data type of the flat-field dataset from integer to floating-point, which may be unsuitable as input for the immediately succeeding process, e.g. Dezinger (use DezingerSinogram instead).


Mandatory dataset.


[<path-to-NeXus-file>, <path-to-dataset>, <exposure-time-compensation-factor>][/dls/i13/data/2018/cm123-4/raw/6.nxs, entry1/instrument/detector/pco1/data, 1]To load all darks from the darks-only dataset found at entry1/instrument/detector/pco1/data inside a NeXus scan file, located on the file system at /dls/i13/data/2018/cm123-4/raw/6.nxs, and then to multiply their pixel values by 1 (no change to intensities).
  1. Specify this parameter only if darks are not stored in the same dataset as sample projections.
  2. If <path-to-NeXus-file> is not None, then darks are loaded from a dataset found at <path-to-dataset> inside a NeXus file, located on the file-system at <path-to-NeXus-file>, and their pixel values are then multiplied by <exposure-time-compensation-factor>.
  3. No image-key information is required to accompany the dark dataset, and, if present (at the location specified by image_key_path), this information is ignored.
  4. Note that , if the multiplication by <exposure-time-compensation-factor> is different from 1, then multiplication by this factor (even if the latter is equal to 1) changes the data type of the dark-field dataset from integer to floating-point, which may be unsuitable as input for the immediately succeeding process, e.g. Dezinger (use DezingerSinogram instead).


If the angles parameter is set to None, then this loader attempts to find them in a default dataset, located at entry1/tomo_entry/data/rotation_angle in the input NeXus scan file.


[ind_1, ind_2,... ind_m][1, r]To ignore the initial and the r-th batch in a given series of batches of flats (each containing however many individual flat-field images), stored in the same dataset as darks and sample projections.
  1. Useful for excluding compromised flats for scans containing multiple batches of mid-scan flats.
  2. In the ignore_flats list, batch indexing starts from 1 (not 0).
