Versions Compared


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Source:DET:SELECT_SNormally the data to each detector should be passed through the FIR, if only to reject the bunch by bunch fill pattern, but it is possible to select the raw ADC data as an alternate source.
FIR delay:DET:FIR_DELAY_SThis can be set to the group delay of the FIR filter so that this delay is compensated for in the detector.  However, we have discovered at DLS that setting this to anything other than 0 is confusing.
ADC no fill length:ADC:REJECT_COUNT_SThis is a copy of the fill reject length control on the ADC Setup page.
Captured:DET:SAMPLESThis records the number of samples captured in the last sweep.
Underrun:DET:UNDERRUNThis should never indicate anything other than "Ok", an error here indicates a worrying internal FPGA problem, or possibly an unreasonably small bunch count.
Waveforms:DET:FILL_WAVEFORM_SThis is a fudge to help EDM, and should otherwise be set to "Truncated".  This will probably be deleted.


On the bottom right two buttons link to related screens:

TuneTune Fitting OverviewLink to tune fitter.  Note that only tune fitting for the first detector is available.
SEQ TrigTrigger Target SetupTrigger configuration for sequencer trigger