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Waveform View

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I/Q 2-D View

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These windows shows views of the most recent capture from the selected detector, illustrating the following waveform PVs (each PV prefixed with $(device):$(axis) and n running from 0 to 3):

Power:DET:n:POWERLogarithm in dB of the measured response.  The 0dB point is full scale for detector measurement.
Phase:DET:n:PHASEPhase of the measured response in degrees.
I/Q:DET:n:I, :DET:n:QRaw I and Q measured response.

The X axis for all three graphs can be switched between Frequency scale (from PV :DET:SCALE) and Timebase (from PV :DET:TIMEBASE).  The maximum detected power (PV :DET:n:MAX_POWER) and capture overflow status (PV :DET:n:OUT_OVF) are shown, and the overall detector gain can be selected (PV :DET:n:SCALING_S).