title | Common terminal commands |
As a users, the two important pieces of software you will require are CS Studio and GDA. Click the Software image for more information:
CS Studio
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Code Block |
$ tlauncher -f diad |
Expand |
title | Open your Data folder |
Code Block |
$ cd dls/k11/data/2023/<VISIT NUMBER>/
$ gio open . |
Code Block |
$ Module load imageJ/2019
$ imagej |
Code Block |
$ module load savu |
To configure a process list Code Block |
$ savu_config -i <path to savu list> |
To submit a job (requires ssh to Wilson): Code Block |
savu_mpi <raw data> <process list> <output dir> |
$ module load dawn
$ dawn32G
Open terminal
Config the process list to make sure you are happy. BL scientist may do this for you.
Load Savu:
Edit process lists:
Code Block |
module load savu
// Will load savu in cwd and allow you to create processlists. You cannot submit to cluster using this module.
// This should be done in a normal terminal, do not ssh into wilson
savu_config - i xxxxx.nxs
// Where "xxxx.nxs" is the path of your process list (ie. 3x_fd_vo_AST_tiff.nxs).
// This command will open up the savu config with this process list.
// You can omit -i xxxx.nxs to open config with an empty list. You will then need to populate savu with each process
disp -a
// This will display each process module and the parameters that you can change.
// Use -avv for more detailed information.
fg /ctrl + z
// Will bring savu config to foreground / Send config to background to allow you to run savu_mpi in the same terminal window
add RemoveAllRings 2
// will add the module RemoveAllRings to position 2 in the process list. If no number is included it will add to the end.
rem 2
// will remove module at position 2 in the list |