This page is under development
Congratulations! You have just been awarded time on XPDF at Diamond.
This page is designed to highlight some important steps that can be performed at your home institution before you arrive for your beamtime. It also contains tips to help your beamtime run as smoothly and be as productive as possible.
As soon as you receive a successful result from the panel, the User Office will be in touch. You will be encouraged to complete several sections of an online form on the UAS, including safety forms, lab forms, accommodation reservations, and further details regarding experimental team. Please return these forms by the deadlines given by the User Office.
There are limited spaces within the on-site user accommodation (Ridgeway House). There are additional venues available (commonly the Premier Inn in Didcot), though these are not as convenient. To have the best chance of being allocated accommodation in Ridgeway House it is advised that you complete the investigators section on the UAS ASAP. If you need to come for a pre-visit then please schedule this with your local contact, contact the user office to confirm and update the UAS where necessary.
Please include all samples that you wish to run on the ERA (even if they are compositionally similar) as only samples that have been approved by the health and safety team can be mounted onto the beamline. If additional samples come to light after the ERA has been submitted then please discuss these with your local contact as they will need to be assessed by the health and safety team separately. If the experiment that you wish to perform has changed from that outlined in the proposal then this should be discussed with your local contact ASAP.
Please confirm with your local contact the number of ex situ / in situ samples that you intend to analyse. This will help the beamline staff to plan any sample environment changeovers accordingly.
When completing the lab form make sure you highlight any lab equipment that you will require, such as a fume hood, glove box, powder handling unit, ultrasonic bath or compressed gas. This form will be sent to the lab facilities team, who will book you into the closest lab that is available and meets your requirements. You should also include adequately described procedures for the sample preparations you intend to carry out in these labs. Please also include any additional chemicals/equipment that you require such as conc. HCl or gas mixtures.
Whilst we do have access to some basic chemicals, these are intended more for unanticipated scenarios. Users are encouraged to bring their own chemicals wherever possible. It is also good practice to inform you local contact of any requirement so that they can ensure that you are booked into an appropriate lab in advance of your arrival. We currently do not have gas mixing capabilities on the beamline and so any special gas mixes must be ordered well in advance. It is essential that you local contact is informed even if only common gases are required (e.g. CO2) so that stocks can be maintained and delivery can be arranged from the EHCs.