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Sample related equipment

There are two sample motor sets depending on the needs of the experiment (weight , geometry etc). Micro-positioning devices are available for tomography.


A liquid helium or liquid nitrogen cryojet can be used for tomography measurements.

For XAS fluorescence experiments the Oxford Instruments Microstat HiRes Cryostat is used. This low-vibration cryostat be used either with liquid helium or liquid nitrogen. The clip-on stage can support thin samples mounted on sapphire discs of ~ 15 mm diameter. The x-ray visible part of the sample is apprx. 10mm across; samples with a diameter larger than 20 mm can be mounted but may not get to a uniform temperature throughout the sample. The sample chamber is in vacuum. The cryostat can be used in a helium bag for low energy measurements.

A quick guide for using the cryostat can be found here :


Currently on the beamline there are two 4-element Vortex silicon drift detectors both with a silicon chip of 1 mm therefore replacing the Ge Ortec for high energy measurements. In most set-ups the two detectors are used simultaneously.

Excalibur is the new diffraction detector on I18. It is a photon counting detector with low noise profile and an area of 115 x 100 mm2. It is used in transmission mode but if other geometries are needed please get in touch with the beamline staff.

Ion chambers- New Gain controls

These are filled with Helium and are now controlled through Stanford amplifiers. Instructions on how to set the sensitivity can be found in Users' Software Guide : EPICS.