
PyFAI is a powerful library developed at the ESRF for reduction of 2D powder diffraction images. If you have DAWN and PyFAI installed on your computer it is possible to use the calibration metadata produced by DAWN with the integration routines in PYFAI.

Setting up the Python Interpreter

Assuming you already have a python interpreter and PyFAI already installed.

Using PyFAI in DAWN [> 2.0 now use NX transform to hold orientation]

Assuming you have a NeXus file from DAWN containing the calibration metadata, the following lines of code can be used to construct a PyFAI azimuthal integrator object.

import pyFAI
import scisoftpy as dnp
import as dio

ai = pyFAI.AzimuthalIntegrator()

nexusFile = dio.load("/path/to/calibration/nexus/file.nxs")

#Load geometry and energy into PyFAI
px = nexusFile['/entry1/instrument/detector/detector_module/fast_pixel_direction'][...]
bc = [nexusFile['/entry1/instrument/detector/beam_center_x'][...],
distance = nexusFile['/entry1/instrument/detector/distance'][...]
wavelength = nexusFile['/entry1/calibration_sample/beam/incident_wavelength'][...]
px = nexusFile['/entry1/instrument/detector/detector_module/fast_pixel_direction'][...]
eub = nexusFile['/entry1/instrument/detector/transformations/euler_b'][...]
euc = nexusFile['/entry1/instrument/detector/transformations/euler_c'][...]

ai.setFit2D(distance, bc[0]/px, bc[1]/px, eub, euc, px*1000., px*1000.0, None)

The azimuthal integrator object (ai) can then be used to integrate your powder images.

Using PyFAI in DAWN [< 2.0]

Assuming you have a NeXus file from DAWN containing the calibration metadata, the following lines of code can be used to construct a PyFAI azimuthal integrator object.

import pyFAI
import scisoftpy as dnp
import as dio

ai = pyFAI.AzimuthalIntegrator()

nexusFile = dio.load("/path/to/calibration/nexus/file.nxs")

#Load geometry and energy into PyFAI
bc = [nexusFile['/entry/instrument/detector/beam_center_x'][...],
distance = nexusFile['/entry/instrument/detector/distance'][...]
energy = nexusFile['/entry/calibration_sample/beam/incident_wavelength'][...][0]
px = nexusFile['/entry/instrument/detector/x_pixel_size'][...]*1000
orien = nexusFile['/entry/instrument/detector/detector_orientation'][...].reshape((3,3))

yaw = math.degrees(-math.atan2(orien[2,0], orien[2,2]))
roll = math.degrees(-math.atan2(orien[0,1], orien[1,1]))
ai.setFit2D(distance, bc[0],bc[1], -yaw, roll, px, px, None)

The azimuthal integrator object (ai) can then be used to integrate your powder images.