1. From your computer, you first need to connect to Diamond’s Linux system. You can do so by installing NoMachine with further details here: https://www.diamond.ac.uk/Users/Experiment-at-Diamond/IT-User-Guide/Not-at-DLS/Nomachine.html

  2. Connect to DLS Linux via NoMachine and open a Firefox web browser and in the address bar enter: https://jupyterhub.diamond.ac.uk/

  3. After logging in you should see an interface like the first screenshot on the right hand side. You can choose between different resource capacities for your jupyter notebook to use.

  4. In order to connect to the python environment specific to ePSIC, you have to edit the window below the resource selection tabs. The default value for VENV is jupyterhub-dls which you need to edit to epsic3.7 (see second screenshot).

  5. After pressing Spawn button with the selections above Jupyter interface will be opened at your /Home directory. You can either open a new notebook by pressing New drop down menu on the upper right hand side and selecting Python 3, or opening an existing notebook (e.g. ones you have downloaded from ePSIC’s Github page - https://github.com/ePSIC-DLS/User-Notebooks ).


  1. In order to have plot interactivity with matplotlib you can use:

%matplotlib notebook

2. You can access your session data on the following paths:
