1. From your computer, you first need to connect to Diamond’s Linux system. You can do so by installing NoMachine with further details here: https://www.diamond.ac.uk/Users/Experiment-at-Diamond/IT-User-Guide/Not-at-DLS/Nomachine.html

  2. Connect to DLS Linux via NoMachine and open a Firefox web browser and in the address bar enter: https://jupyterhub.diamond.ac.uk/

  3. After logging in you should see an interface like the first screenshot on the right hand side. Provide a name for your server and press Start.

  4. In the next window, select the level of resource needed for your server (typically we use 128 GB RAM option for 4D-STEM data), then press Spawn.

  5. After pressing Spawn button with the selection above Jupyter interface will be opened at your /Home directory. You can either open a new notebook by pressing New drop down menu on the upper right hand side or opening an existing notebook (e.g. ones you have downloaded from ePSIC’s Github page - https://github.com/ePSIC-DLS/User-Notebooks ). You need to set the kernel to Python 3.7 - EPSIC to get access to ePSIC’s conda environment.


  1. In order to have plot interactivity with matplotlib you can use:

%matplotlib notebook

2. You can access your session data on the following paths:
