ePSIC Instruments

ePSIC Instruments

If you have any questions regarding capabilities at ePSIC please contact a member of staff.

E01: JEM ARM200CF Transmission Electron Microscope

  • High Resolution STEM Cs corrected imaging at 200kV and 80 kV, in High-Angle Annular Dark-Field (HAADF), Low-Angle Annular Dark-Field (LAADF), Bright-Field (BF) and Annular Bright-Field (ABF) modes.
  • High Resolution secondary electron imaging at 200kV and 80kV.
  •  Selected Area Electron Diffraction, Nanobeam Electron Diffraction and Convergent Beam Electron Diffraction.
  • In-situ sample heating with single tilt DENS Solutions heating holder, temperature range: ambient to 1200 ºC.
  • In-situ sample cooling with liquid nitrogen single tilt Fischione cooling holder, operating temperature -175 ºC. 
  • Anaerobic sample transfer with JEOL vacuum transfer holder.
  • Gatan OneView Camera for fast TEM imaging and in-situ data capture.
  • Large solid angle dual EDX detectors for x-ray spectroscopy and mapping.
  • Gatan Quantum Dual EELS spectrometer for electron energy loss spectroscopy and spectrum imaging.

Dr. Manfred Schuster and Dr. Dogan Ozkaya of Johnson Matthey on the ARM200CF.

Dr. Emanuela Liberti and Dr. Christopher Allen of Oxford University on the ARM300CF

E02: JEM ARM300CF Transmission Electron Microscope

  • Ultra High Resolution TEM Cs corrected imaging at 300 kV, 200kV, 80 kV, 60kV, 30kV.
  • Ultra High Resolution STEM Cs corrected imaging at 300 kV,200kV, 80 kV, 60kV, 30kV, in High-Angle Annular Dark-Field (HAADF), Low-Angle Annular Dark-Field (LAADF), Bright-Field (BF) and Annular Bright-Field (ABF) modes.
  • Selected Area Electron Diffraction, Nanobeam Electron Diffraction and Convergent Beam Electron Diffraction.
  • In-situ sample heating with single tilt DENS Solutions heating holder, temperature range: ambient to 1200 ºC.
  • In-situ sample cooling with liquid nitrogen single tilt Fischione cooling holder, operating temperature -175 ºC.
  • In-situ biasing with HennyZ biasing holder.
  • Anaerobic sample transfer with JEOL vacuum transfer holder.
  • Gatan OneView Camera for fast TEM imaging and in-situ data capture.
  • Merlin (MediPix) fast pixelated direct electron detector.
  • Oxford Instruments XMAX 100 EDX detector.

E03: JIB 4700F Focused Ion Beam microscope

  • Multi beam system consisting of an electron beam and gallium ion beam.
  • Detectors:
    • in-chamber ETD,
    • in-column backscatter
    • backscatter topographical
    • backscatter compositional
    • in-column secondary electron
  • Slice and view imaging to give volumetric information.
  • Ex-situ lift out system, for lifting out a lamella onto a TEM holder
  • Ex-situ JEOL low energy Argon ion slicer for low energy finishing of FIB cross-sections

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