Informatics Matters Overview
Skyner, Rachael (DLSLtd,RAL,LSCI) (Unlicensed)
Max Winokan
Fragalysis stack to kubernetes
Fragalysis stack CI/CD
Fragment network to kubernetes
Fragment network CI/CD
Squonk to galaxy link
Squonk to fragalysis link
Scoring containerised
Finalise docking workflow
Scoring tool in galaxy
Workflow in galaxy
Major tasks:
Fragalysis stack → kubernetes prototype
Backend neo4j
Deploy JupyterHub (ORN version)
Switch to postgres
Fragalysis backend to Fragment Network by API
Fragment network → kubernetes DONE
Squonk → kubernetes DONE
Galaxy → kubernetes planning
Migrating Verne to K8s Planning
Fragalysis stack CI/CD PENDING
Fragment network CI/CD PENDING
Openshift K8s HOLD
Early March for K8S
Don’t need CI/CD for demo on kubernetes – should we hold off for 2/3 months? (Travis vs. Jenkins)
Testing of documentation (Janssen)
Process for AWS exists, but openstack doesn’t (for DLS) – 1 week after start (as long as networking, accessibility etc. work)
Need to discuss Galaxy:
use helm charts instead of playbooks?
Fragalysis questions: Mechanisms for running the data loaders?
Janssen: Scott will have a better idea of wether it will be applicable outside of the Fragalysis scope/use (still investigate)
Pin down date for starting deployment
Long TC for deployment on AWS
M2M/Janssen can deploy - can run playbook, entering version that deploys stack to cluster
Major tasks:
Squonk to galaxy link unknown
Fragalysis to squonk link unknown
Major tasks:
Scoring method containerised DONE
Finalise docking workflow in progress
Insert Bayesian optimisation discovery
Implement scoring into Galaxy tool unknown
Docking+scoring workflow in galaxy unknown
Improve container HOLD
Currently putting full workflow together before it goes into squonk/galaxy
Orchestration between layers needs thought
Options should be configurable (e.g. number of poses to dock)
Major tasks:
Improve fragmentation algorithm in progress
Define data-building workflow in progress
Implement API HOLD
Add compounds into network via. API IN progress
Relational database - being used to index molecules (all datasets that are processed) – it’s where the molecules are stored before the graph network is created
Upper limit (guess) of adding molecules directly into network is ~10,000