eChem measurements
eChem measurements
Linking the Ivium n-Stat to the beamline control software
This will normally be done by beamline staff in advance of your beamtime. This procedure is provided in case of problems with the Ivium or its control computer which may have required a restart.
- Log in to the eChem PC (i15-1-echem). It is normally best to do this while remote desktoped from a windows PC in the control room.
- Username: See note on PC
- Password: See note on PC
- Start one instance of the IviumSoft software for each channel on the Ivium that you want to control (up to 8). The IviumSoft icon is on the desktop.
- Click 'Connect' on each instance of IviumSoft, and it will connect to the first available channel on the Ivium n-Stat. If you are looking at the Ivium, you will notice that the lights on the front of each channel go Green as it connects.
- Run IviumServers.bat on the desktop, which will allow the beamline control software to communicate with the Ivium.
, multiple selections available,