Sample Environments
The availability of the sample environment is indicated by the status icon, described in more detail below;
AVAILABLE = Environment is fully available to users and can be run as part of a routine experiment.
AVAILABLE = Environment is available to users but is not yet fully optimised. This could indicate that some equipment is not fully integrated into the beamline controls software or that users may require additional assistance etc.
REQUEST = The environment is already in existance but has not been thoroughly tested by users.
Device List
For further information on equipment availability, please see Peripheral Labs and Equipment old
Hot Air Blower - AVAILABLE
Used to heat capillary samples from room temperature up to 1100 K. Temperatures of up to 1200 K can be reached with smaller samples. The blower can be used in conjunction with a 7 position sample changer for spun capillaries.
An Oxford Instruments Cryojet5 capable of cooling and heating capillary samples in the temperature range 85-500 K. The cryojet can be used in conjunction with a 15 position sample changer for spun capillaries. Both the cryojet and hot air blower can be mounted on the beamline at the same time to cover a wide temperature range.
Eurotherm Temperature Controllers - AVAILABLE
Two Eurotherm 3504 duel loop temperature controllers are available on the beamline. The output from these is 240 V AC (230 V AC) delivered through a Harting Han A series 4 connector.
An 8-channel Ivium-n-Stat is available for in-situ electrochemical measurements and cycling. This can be used to perform in-situ PDF measurements on up to 8 batteries while they are cycling. Users can either bring their one battery cells or use the radial-geometry cells developed by Diamond staff.
Battery Cells - AVAILABLE
These radial geometry battery cells are optimised for PDF data collections.
Hydrothermal Cell - AVAILABLE
A hydrothermal cell is available which is capable of operating up to 230°C. The cell design is optimised so that the only contribution to the background is that of the fused-quartz capillary holding the sample. The sample is sealed on a PTFE ferrule, minimising issues with chemcial compatibility.
Ion Exchange Cell - REQUEST
The ion-exchange cell is a liquid flow cell that is attached to a valve manifold. There is a pressure transducer to measure the back pressure throughout the scan to establish the stability of the column.
Gas cells - REQUEST
XPDF are commissioning a range of vacuum, static gas and flowing gas cells. If you are interested in learning more about what is possible, please contact