Modify existing sample information

Modify existing sample information

There are many reasons that your sample information may need updating. Before proceeding, you need to consider two aspects of how data are stored in our database.

1. There are links between phases and data collections

You should consider whether you want to update your existing phase (i.e. the information in the database is incorrect and always has been) or create a new phase (the old information was correct at the time but new data collections against similar samples need to be different).

This consideration needs to happen because in the database we link data collections with samples, and by changing a sample you are altering the composition of every data collection that has ever taken and will ever take place against that sample.

2. What needs to be updated

When you create samples using the “simple sample” form (which is the vast majority of users) you create exactly one phase, one sample, and one instance. You can see these if you mouse over the proposal code in synchweb and select the relevant option (for phases, you should uncheck the “show only UAS samples” checkbox).

Chemical information

The chemical composition and density are stored on the phase. To update either of these fields, select Phases from the dropdown, select the phase that is incorrect, and alter the values as required.

Physical Informtion

The packing fraction is stored on the instance. To update the packing fraction, select Instances from the dropdown, select the instance that is incorrect, and alter the value as required.

Safety Information

If you erroneously created simple samples against the incorrect UAS phase, then you should restart the sample creation process by selecting the correct phase from the phases menu and clicking + New Simple Sample.

if you have created any advanced samples, remember that you may be updating multiple samples when you modify a phase