Processing your diffraction data

Processing your diffraction data

Diffraction data is autoprocessed during your beamtime. Due to DIAD’s moving beam geometry, the integration of the 2D pattern’s involves a correction for the change in beam position on the sample.


Autoprocessed diffraction data will go into your Processed folder and will look like this:


The file is named with the scan number and the DAWN process that was applied. In this case there is also a folder with .dat XY files.


The dawn process list can be found in:





Open up dawn and in the processing perspective you can drag and drop the above process list into the processing panel or you can click the Load Configured Pipeline button image-20240802-095232.png . An example list is shown below:


Here we apply a threshold mask to remove the gaps between the modules and hot pixels. This is simply an upper and lower threshold mask.


We then apply a correction for DIAD’s moving beam geometry. The file locations will be the same but the visit id and scan numbers will be specific to your beamtime.


The azimuthal integration is then applied.


The data is also exported into XY .dat files.


In this pipeline the users also wanted their data in 2Theta. So the data was exported as .dat XY files in 2 theta as well.



This process list can be re-run locally if you wish to change parameters. Be sure to check that you have the correct path locations for the moving beam geometry calibration files.