Planning Data Collections in ISPyB

Planning Data Collections in ISPyB

As well as uploading your sample information, it is possible to plan your data collection in ispyb as well. However, this is currently under testing and not recommended. Instead we will write the plans for the data collection using GDA during your beamtime.

Plan Experiments Page

By default, every sample you’ve created using the methods described in this manual will come with a simple, one-shot data collection plan (remember that exposure time box you left at the default value? That was for this).

You can find all the experiment plans you’ve got for the samples in any given container by finding that container on the Containers page.

  1. From within your proposal, navigate to the containers page (Proposal dropdown > Containers)

  2. Select the relevant container

  3. Click the Plan Experiments button (this may take a up to 30s to load)

You’ll now see all the planned data collections for the samples in this container. You can modify the planned data collection order by clicking and dragging the plans up and down.

An individual Experiment Plan

<screenshot to come>

A planned data collection consists of one or more axes, and one or more detectors.


You can add any number of axes to a scan. For each, you need to either specify (start,stop,step) or an array of values. Add a new axis to a data collection by clicking the little + symbol.


Most experiments on I15-1 use the ARC detector, so this is the default one that is added. To add another detector, click the little + symbol.