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Whilst we do have access to some basic chemicals, these are intended more for unanticipated scenarios. Users are encouraged to bring their own chemicals wherever possible. It is also good practice to inform you local contact of any requirement so that they can ensure that you are booked into an appropriate lab in advance of your arrival. We currently do not have gas mixing capabilities on the beamline and so any special gas mixes must be ordered well at least 8 weeks in advance. It is essential that you local contact is informed even if only common gases are required (e.g. CO2) so that stocks can be maintained and delivery can be arranged from the EHCs. |
The vast majority of experiemnts on XPDF are run in glass capilaries . We haveCapillarythat are supplied by the beamline. We offer both borosilicate and fused quartz capillaries in a range of sizes, outlined here. It is important that you do not pack your samples into different capillaries without discussing this with your local contact. Consistency is very important here in order for an accurate background subtraction to be made. Borosilicate capillaries are adequate for experiments where the sample will be at a temperatue < 500°C, otherwise for higher temperature experiments fused quartz capillaries should be used.
If you are using one of the sample environments provied by the beamline then you should discuss the setup with your local contact. This may include;
- Temperature profiles - i.e. ramp rates, dwell times etc.
- Data collection strategy - continuous collection during ramps or only collecting during hold.
- Maximum/minimum temperature capabilities for the cell.
If you are providing your own cell then this needs to be discussed in detail with the local contact in order to fabricate mounting brackets etc. In some cases a pre-visit may be required during a shutdown to check that the cell can be mounted. Alternatively the cell can be shipped in advance of the beamtime to check this.
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If you are bringing your own cell this should be brought to the attention of the local contact and discussed in detail. This should be done well in advance of the beamtime to address any issues that may become evident. |