= The environment is already in existance but has not been thoroughly tested by users.
Device List
For furtherinformation on equipment availability, please see Peripheral Labs and Equipment
Hot Air Blower -
Status |
colour | Green |
title | Available |
An Oxford Instruments Cryojet5 capable of cooling and heating capillary samples in the temperature range 85-500 K. The cryojet can be used in conjunction with a 15 position sample changer for spun capillaries. Both the cryojet and hot air blower can be mounted on the beamline at the same time to cover a wide temperature range.
Eurotherm Temperature Controllers -
Status |
colour | Green |
title | Available |
Two Eurotherm 3504 duel loop temperature controllers are available on the beamline. The output from these is 240 V AC (230 V AC) delivered through a Harting Han A series 4 connector.
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eChem -
An 8-channel Ivium-n-Stat is available for in-situ electrochemical measurements and cycling. This can be used to perform in-situ PDF measurements on up to 8 batteries while they are cycling. Users can either bring their one battery cells or use the radial-geometry cells developed by Diamond staff.
Battery Cells -
Status |
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colour | Yellow |
title | Available |
These radial geometry battery cells are optimised for PDF data collections.
Hydrothermal Cell -
Status |
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colour | Yellow |
title | Available |
A hydrothermal cell is available which is capable of operating up to 230°C. The cell design is optimised so that the only contribution to the background is that of the fused-quartz capillary holding the sample. The sample is sealed on a PTFE ferrule, minimising issues with chemcial compatibility.
Ion Exchange Cell -
The ion-exchange cell is a liquid flow cell that is attached to a valve manifold. There is a pressure transducer to measure the back pressure throughout the scan to establish the stability of the column.
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Gas cells -
XPDF are commissioning a range of vacuum, static gas and flowing gas cells. If you are interested in learning more about what is possible, please contact xpdf@diamond.ac.uk.