Visitor access to the internet, printers and data

Visitor access to the internet, printers and data


ispyb : View data online

With your browser navigate to https://ispyb.diamond.ac.uk/ and login. You will see your experiment session and going in you can see the maps that have run.

The default view is of the unprocessed map but at least you know that it has completed.

Printing from I18's workstations


Open a Windows Explorer window (e.g. "MyComputer") and enter
into the address bar. This will show all beamline and office printers.

Select b.i18.cc1.col.1 for the color laser printer in the control cabin. Right-mouse-click and select "Connect".The printer should now be added to the list of available printers in windows.


A list of all available printers should appear when printing from any Linux printing program. Select b.i18.cc1.col.1 for the colour laser printer in the control cabin.

Accessing data : The most up-to-date information can be found at:


If you follow the post 40 days process, you will also find info on how to restore your data back onto Diamond’s environment for NoMachine processing :

https://icat.diamond.ac.uk/help#diamond-help and look for “Restore to Diamond” Download Access Method)


Data Dispenser for copying on external disks

At the start of your visit
• Plug your external hard drive into the DataDispenser and note the port name.
• From any workstation open a browser and go to http://i18-dd001
• Click "Define a new Clone" (login with your FedID if prompted to do so).
• Enter your visit ID (e.g. mx100-1) if it's not already filled in.
• Choose a clone ID (eg backup1, no spaces allowed).
• Specify what visit data you want copied (default: all except tmp/). See figure 2.
• Select which external hard drive you want the visit data copied to.
• Specify the directory name on your external hard drive to copy to.
• Click "Save".

During your visit
• Browse to http://i18-dd001 and click on your Clone name.
• Hit refresh to display the current state of your Clone.
• If you see 'Waiting for external media' this means either:
your external hard drive has filled up; or
your Clone does not have an external hard drive assigned to it.
• Plug in your first or additional external hard drive.
• To the right of the Add external media button, select your external hard drive.
• Click "Add external media".

At the end of your visit
• Wait until all your data has been collected and written to the visit directory.
• Browse to http://i18-dd001 and click on your Clone name.
• Click "Finalise CloneID" this does a final pass to ensure all data has been copied - otherwise
your last few datasets might be missing!
• refresh the page until the Clone is Terminated.
• click the "External Media" tab on the web page.
• click "Unmount" for your external hard drive.
• refresh the page until the unmount has completed (normally a couple of seconds).
• Unplug your external hard drive from the DataDispenser hardware.
• The user interface does not auto-refresh; refresh the web page to see the latest status.
• You can define more than 1 Clone for a visit if required, but each needs its own external hard
• Users can only define and manage Clones for their own visits.
• A non-zero value for Files skipped due to missing is not an error.
• A non-zero value for Files skipped due to filename invalid for current media means the DataDispenser
attempted to copy a file whose path name was valid under ext3 but invalid under your filesystem (eg FAT), so the file could not be copied.

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