During your Experiment
Here is some information you may find useful during your experiment.
User Office
The Diamond User Office provides lots of information that you may find useful.
Laboratory Information Management System
We use a LIMS called ispyb, which you can use to keep track of your data collections from a browser.
Food & Drink at Diamond
There are free tea and coffee making facilities around the synchrotron building; vending machines; and several outlets around campus. Since the control room is not a sample preparation area, users are welcome to consume food and drink here.
If Diamond is paying for taxis you should follow the booking instructions sent to you by the user office; you can also find this information on the UAS. Navigate to your session, select Participants from the left menu, and click the link under the text “The arrangements have been booked by Diamond User Office.”
Beamline Operating Manual
Click here to browse the beamline operating manual.