ePSIC electron Ptychography Workshop 2025
Professor Pete Nellist, Materials Department, University of Oxford
Professor Andrew Maiden, Professor of Computational Imaging, University of Sheffield
Chris Allen / Fred Allars, ePSIC
The aim of this workshop is to introduce electron Ptychography - a bit of history, current state-of-the-art and applicability to various materials science problems relevant to ePSIC User community, practical aspects and some hand-on demo - to our Users. The workshop will be run online during a day - on March 5th 2025.
Time | Speaker | Title | Format |
1000-1045 | Pete Nellist | Electron Ptychograpy: Past, Present and Future | Talk |
1045-1100 |
| Break |
1100-1145 | Andrew Maiden | An overview on Ptychography reconstruction algorithms | Talk |
1145-1200 |
| Q&A |
1200-1300 |
| Break |
1300-1345 | Chris / Fred | Electron Ptychography at ePSIC - including Multislice work | Talk |
1345-1400 |
| Break |
1400-1430 | Mohsen / Fred | Workstation set-up | Practical |
1430-1600 | Fred | hands-on demo | Practical |
1600-1630 |
| Q&A |
Slack Channel
You should have received a link to sign up to the workshop Slack channel. Please sign up with your real name. During the entire workshop please use Slack for Q&A.
Software and Compute Resources
We will be using the ePIE package PtyREX for hands-on component of this workshop (developed by Dr Darren Batey- DLS I13). The compute resources for this workshop is arranged by STFC through their Data Analysis as a Service (DAaaS) framework.
If you have signed up for the interactive session, you will receive a sign-up link asking for your name and e-mail (Clicking on the images below will make them appear larger):
After signing up, you will receive an e-mail with a link to ePSIC Ptychography Workshop 2025. If you follow that link you would see a page like below:
Clicking to claim your New Workstation you would see:
And clicking through this, you will see the resources available:
Click to create workspace. You will then see:
You can then choose to have this workstation displayed as a tab or a separate window. If Tab option is selected you will see:
You have now successfully started a workstation. Further details on how to run reconstructions will be provided during the interactive session.
You can find the the workshop recordings here.