

Please visit our ePSIC GitHub page where you can find code for data processing and analysis which has been written by staff and users at ePSIC .

Data analysis on Diamond's JupyterHub

As a Diamond User you have access to Diamond's JupyterHub. This allows you to connect to a pre-existing python environment that we have set up with all the relevant libraries installed. You also have access to large (up to 128 GB) RAM and GPU and have direct access to data storage servers. 

Instruction for connecting to JupyterHub

Data analysis software

Here is a list of links to potentially useful software.

Digital micrograph - Gatan software for TEM data acquisition and analysis - Free basic version available (no EELS or EDX analysis).  

DM scripts - Database of user written scripts for digital micrograph maintained by Dave Mitchell of the University of Wollongong, Australia.

HyperSpy - Python based multi-dimensional data-analysis specifically for EELS and EDX. - Open Source.

ImageJ - Java based image processing program with a large number of user written plugins available. - Open Source.

Atomic visualisation software

VESTA - 3D visualization program for structural models. - Free for non-commercial use.

Image and Diffraction simulation software

EMAPS- A suite of simulation software for diffraction simulation using Bloch wave or multislice. QED (Quantitative Electron Diffraction) is useful to simulate kikuchi patterns of a given zone axis.

CrystDiff - An interactive program for simulating electron diffraction patterns. Simple program to do kinematical simulations of single crystal electron diffraction.

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