Processing Perspective - List of Processes

Processing Perspective - List of Processes

Python Script - Image to Image [Scripting]

Image : Image

Process data using a python script that takes an image and returns an image


File : Enter the path to the script

Python Script - Image to XY [Scripting]

Image : XY

Process data using a python script that takes an image and returns XY data


File : Enter the path to the script

Python Script - XY to XY [Scripting]


Process data using a python script that takes XY data and returns XY data


File : Enter the path to the script

Threshold Mask [Masking]

Image : Image

Create a mask with intensity values below a lower bound and above an upper bound masked.


Lower Value : The lower intensity, below which the mask will mask out the value. If you delete the value no lower intensity will be used for the mask.

Upper Value : The upper intensity, above which the mask will mask out the value. If you delete the value no upper intensity will be used for the mask.

Import Mask From File [Masking]

Image : Image

Import a Mask from .nxs or fit2d mask file. A mask file can be created using the masking tool.


Mask File : Path to the mask file

Dilate Mask [Masking]

Image : Image

Increase the size of masked regions by dilating the mask by a set number of pixels


Dilation Size : Increase size of masked areas by a set number of pixels

Box Integration

Image : XY

Using a box region, select a portion of the data to integrate in X or Y.


Direction of Profile : Either X or Y

Region of Interest : Define the region of interest

Cut Rotated Cartesian Box

Image : Image

Use a rectangular region to crop and rotate a selected data region


Region of Interest : Define a region of interest.

Import Detector Calibration [XRD2 Image Processing]

Image : Image

Import the experimental detector geometry and x-ray energy (can be determined in powder calibration perspective). Required for operations which transform data to 2 theta/q/d-space.


Calibration File: : Path to the calibration NeXus file

Azimuthal Integration [XRD2 Integration]

Image : XY

Azimuthal integration of a 2D powder diffraction/SAXS image to a 1D pattern (Intensity vs q, 2 theta, d or pixel). Requires Detector Calibration information to be in the pipeline (use Import Detector Calibration).


Azimuthal range : Two values, start and end, separated by a comma i.e. -90,90, maximum range is 360

Log Radial Axis : Integrates onto a log axis, has no effect on radial integration

Number of bins : Number of bins for integration axis, leave blank for maximum pixel distance on detector

Pixel splitting :

Radial range : Two values, start and end, separated by a comma i.e. 2,4.The values should match the axis selected (i.e. q, 2 theta, pixel).If you delete the text, the range is cleared and the whole image used.

X axis : Type for radial range

Radial Integration [XRD2 Integration]

Image : XY

Radial integration of a 2D powder diffraction/SAXS image to intenisty vs azimuthal angle. Requires Detector Calibration information to be in the pipeline (use Import Detector Calibration).


Azimuthal range : Two values, start and end, separated by a comma i.e. -90,90, maximum range is 360

Log Radial Axis : Integrates onto a log axis, has no effect on radial integration

Number of bins : Number of bins for integration axis, leave blank for maximum pixel distance on detector

Pixel splitting :

Radial range : Two values, start and end, separated by a comma i.e. 2,4.The values should match the axis selected (i.e. q, 2 theta, pixel).If you delete the text, the range is cleared and the whole image used.

X axis : Type for radial range

Powder Diffraction Intensity Corrections [XRD2 Image Processing]

Image : Image

Solid angle, polarisation and detector transmission corrections. Requires Detector Calibration information to be in the pipeline (use Import Detector Calibration).


Detector transmission : Apply the detector transmission correction to the data

Detector transmitted fraction : Fraction of radiation transmitted for the detector transmission correction

Polarisation : Apply the polarisation correction to the data

Polarisation angular offset : Offset of the polarisation relative to the detector

Polarisation factor : Value used in the polarisation correction

Solid angle : Apply solid angle correction to the data

Cake Remapping [XRD2 Integration]

Image : Image

Remap a powder diffraction/SAXS image to q/2theta vs azimuthal angle. Requires Detector Calibration information to be in the pipeline (use Import Detector Calibration).


Azimuthal range : Two values, start and end, separated by a comma i.e. -90,90, maximum range is 360

Log Radial Axis : Integrates onto a log axis, has no effect on radial integration

Number of azimuthal bins : Number of bins for azimuthal axis

Number of bins : Number of bins for integration axis, leave blank for maximum pixel distance on detector

Pixel splitting :

Radial range : Two values, start and end, separated by a comma i.e. 2,4.The values should match the axis selected (i.e. q, 2 theta, pixel).If you delete the text, the range is cleared and the whole image used.

X axis : Set value for X axis after integration

Rolling Ball Baseline Correction [Background Subtraction]


Rolling ball baseline correction with fixed radius


Set ball radius in pixels : Radius should be smaller than size of features

Gaussian Filter [Image Filter]

Image : Image

Gaussian filter an image using kernal of specified width


Kernel Width : Width of filter kernel in pixels

Median Filter [Image Filter]

Image : Image

Median filter an image with a kernel of a specified width


Kernel Width : Width of filter kernel in pixels

Mean Filter [Image Filter]

Image : Image

Mean filter an image with a kernel of a specified width


Kernel Width : Width of filter kernel in pixels

Export to Text File


Save XY data as text


File Extension : Extension that should be used for the output file

Include explicit location : Include the explicit (slice) location of the data in the full dataset as part of the filename

Output Directory : Path to output directory

Pad with zeros : Leave blank for no padding

Suffix : Custom suffix to be appended to the file name, leave blank for no suffix

Downsample Image [Image Filter]

Image : Image

Downsample an image using the corner, mean, min, or max value. The type the output data should take (int, float etc) can also be specified


Downsample mode : The mode, choose from a list of alternative modes.

Downsample Output datatype : Datatype of the downsample output.

Downsample size X : The width of the downsample box in pixels.

Downsample size Y : The height of the downsample box in pixels.

Integrate Range


Trapezoidal integration of the data between the specified range, with the option to subtract a local linear baseline.


Set integration range : Two values, start and end, separated by a comma, for example 2,4. The values should match the axis . If you delete the text, the range is cleared and the whole range used.

Subtract linear baseline : Subtract a linear base line from the integrated area

Mathematical Expression [1D] [Expressions]


Custom mathematical operation, use "data" for the data variable and "xaxis" for the axis, use the dnp: and dat: namespaces to access different mathematical functions


Data Function : Function to apply to the data e.g. dnp:power(data,2)

X Axis Function : Function to apply to the x-axis e.g. xaxis - dat:min(xaxis,0)

Mathematical Expression [2D] [Expressions]

Image : Image

Custom mathematical operation on an image, use "data" for the data variable and "xaxis" and "yaxis" for the axes, use the dnp: and dat: namespaces to access different mathematical functions


Data Function : Function to apply to the data e.g. dnp:power(data,2)

X Axis Function : Function to apply to the x-axis e.g. xaxis - dat:min(xaxis,0)

Y Axis Function : Function to apply to the y-axis e.g. yaxis - dat:min(yaxis,0)

Mathematical Expression [2D Diffraction] [XRD2 Image Processing]

Image : Image

Custom mathematical operation including q, tth, azimuth and energy, use the dnp: and dat: namespaces to access different mathematical functions


Data Function : Function to apply to the data e.g. dnp:power(data,2)

X Axis Function : Function to apply to the x-axis e.g. xaxis - dat:min(xaxis,0)

Y Axis Function : Function to apply to the y-axis e.g. yaxis - dat:min(yaxis,0)

X Region Profile Normalize

Image : Image

A filter which normalises the data frame by the profile of the selected region of the X axis.


Smoothing Width : Smoothing amount of the integrated line

X Range : Range in X direction (i.e. 10,20)

Standard Normal Variate


Subtract mean and divide by standard deviation to bring all XY data onto the same scale


Set Poisson Error [Error]

Image : Image

Sets the current value of the data as the variance on the dataset


ARPES Gold Calibration Correction [ARPES Analysis]

Image : Image

ARPES Gold Calibration Correction


Calibration File : Path to the calibration NeXus file

energyOffset :

ARPES Axis Conversion [ARPES Analysis]

Image : Image

ARPES Axis Conversion


kxOffset :

kyOffset :

workFunction :

Crop Data [1D]


Crop XY data to a specified range


Start : Set beginning of range to crop data to

Stop : Set end of range to crop data to

Average All Data

Any : Same

Average all the data into a single dataset


Crop Data [2D]

Image : Image

Crop an image to a specified size


X Start : Lower bound of crop in X-direction

X Stop : Upper bound of crop in X-direction

Y Start : Lower bound of crop in Y-direction

Y Stop : Upper bound of crop in Y-direction

Mask Outside Region [Masking]

Image : Image

Mask pixels outside the specified region


Region of Interest : Define the region of interest

Normalisation [External Data]

Any : Same

Normalise data against the value from a corresponding value in an external dataset (if path is empty, dataset from processed file is used)


File : Enter the path to the data file, leave blank to use the file being processed

Dataset : Enter the name of the dataset to be used

Subtract Data [External Data]

Any : Same

Subtract a dataset (or average if stack) in the specified file


File : Enter the path to the data file

Dataset :

First: : Position of first (or only) dataset, leave blank to average all data

Last: : Position of end dataset, leave empty to use a single dataset

Scaling : Scaling of the multiplying data

Diffraction Ellipse Fit [XRD2 Image Processing]

Image : Image

Fit an ellipse to the ring at the specified q value - parameters returned as auxiliary data


Ellipse q : Value of q the ellipse corresponds to

q delta : The range of q to search for the ellipse in

Image Rotation

Image : Image

Rotates an image by a certain angle around the image centre


Angle : The image will be rotated by the angle provided around the centre of the dataset (x=xMax/2, y=yMax/2)

Resize : Resize resulting bounding box

Unit : Angle unit

Affine Transformation

Image : Image

Performs an affine transformation on the image


a11 :

a12 :

a21 :

a22 :

dx :

dy :

Resize : Resize resulting bounding box

Convert Diffraction Axis Type [1D]


Convert XY diffraction data axes between q, 2 theta and d-space


Use Calibrated Wavelength : Use wavelength from detector calibration.

Wavelength : Specify a wavelength to use.

X Axis : Set value for X axis after integration

Rebin XY Data


Rebin data onto new axis with specified start, stop and number of points (defaults to min, max and number of points in first axis


Max : Maximum value to use in rebinning, leave blank to use the max from the first dataset

Min : Minimum value to use in rebinning, leave blank to use the min from the first dataset

Number of bins : Number of bins to rebin the data into, leave blank to use the number of bins from the first dataset

Iterative Polynomial Baseline Subtraction [Background Subtraction]


Subtract a polynomial baseline using an iterative fitting routine. On each iteration any data above the fit is set to the fit value.


Number of Iterations : Number of iterations to use in fitting process

Polynomial Order : Polynomial orde to use for baseline

Subtract Input Data

Any : Same

Subtract a selected dataset of the input data (or average) from all datasets


First: : Position of first (or only) dataset, leave blank to average all data

Last: : Position of end dataset, leave empty to use a single dataset

Scaling : Scaling of the multiplying data

Average Fastest Dimension Only

Any : Same

Averages the data along the fastest non-data dimension of the array. For example, if the data set shape is [a,b,c,X,Y] where X and Y are the data dimensions, c is the fastest axis (row-major order)


Image Threshold [Image Filter]

Image : Image

Applies a threshold across the whole image


Down : If 'down' is true, then pixels with values <= to 'threshold' are set to 1 and the others set to 0. If 'down' is false, then pixels with values >= to 'threshold' are set to 1 and the others set to 0.

Radius : Used for adaptive thresholding algorithms that are computed using a local square region centered on each pixel.

Threshold : Value used for GLOBAL_CUSTOM thresholding

Type : Type of thresholding algorithm

Blob Extraction [Binary Image]

Image : Image

Extracts blobs on binary image


Connect Rule : Connectivity rule: blobs can be defined using a 4 or 8 connect rule

Image Stitching [External Data]

Image : Image

Stitches two images together given X and Y translations


File : Enter the path to the data file, leave blank to use the file being processed

Dataset Name : The name of the dataset or the node path of the data if a .NXS file

X Translation : X translation between two images in pixels

Y Translation : Y translation between two images in pixels

Dataset Concatenation [External Data]

Image : Image

Concatenate two datasets together, taking into account axes scaling


File : Enter the path to the data file, leave blank to use the file being processed

Dataset name : Dataset name (leave empty to use input dataset name

Concatenation axis : The axis along which the concatenation will occur





Derivative Order : Enter the derivative order, between 1 and 5

Smoothing : Enter the smoothing size

Polynomial Smoothing Filter




Polynomial Order : Enter the smoothing polynomial order

Window Size : Enter window size (should be even)

General Detector Error [Error]

Image : Image

Add errors to data


electronicNoise :

gain :

gainFluctuation :

quantumEfficiency :

No Data [Utilities]

Any : Same

Stops data being sent down the pipeline, used to not duplicate your data if you only need the auxiliary output


No Change [Utilities]

Any : Same

Propagates the input data without modifying it, used to convert other data formats to nexus


Export to Text File [Image]

Image : Image

Save image as text with x axis as first column, use with caution, files can get very large


File Extension : Extension that should be used for the output file

Include explicit location : Include the explicit (slice) location of the data in the full dataset as part of the filename

Output Directory : Path to output directory

Pad with zeros : Leave blank for no padding

Suffix : Custom suffix to be appended to the file name, leave blank for no suffix

Average Sections of Fastest Dimension

Any : Same

Averages sections of the data along the fastest non-data dimension of the array. For example, if the data set shape is [a,b,c,X,Y] where X and Y are the data dimensions, c is the fastest axis (row-major order)


number :

start :

stop :


Image : Image

Determine the X and Y centroid values (saved to file)


Minimum Maximum Normalization


Normalize the minimum to zero and the maximum to one


Pseudo-Flat Field Filter [Image Filter]

Image : Image

Creates a Gaussian-blurred image using the given kernel and then subtract the blurred image/pseudo flat field from the original image


Kernel Width : Width of filter kernel in pixels

Spline Baseline Subtraction [Background Subtraction]


Subtract a spline from the data


Control point x-values : Enter a list of comma-separated x values for the spline control points.

Image Integration

Image : XY

Integrate an image along a selected axis


Direction of Profile : The direction to see the profile in.

Do average? : Average the data along the chosen axis, rather than sum.

Normalisation [metadata]

Any : Same

Divide data by a value taken from the file metadata


metadataName :

Multiply [External Data]

Any : Same

Multiply dataset by external value


File : Enter the path to the data file, leave blank to use the file being processed

Dataset : Enter the name of the dataset to be used

Subtract [External Data]

Any : Same

Subtract external data from a dataset


File : Enter the path to the data file, leave blank to use the file being processed

Dataset : Enter the name of the dataset to be used

Divide [External Data]

Any : Same

Divide dataset by external value


File : Enter the path to the data file, leave blank to use the file being processed

Dataset : Enter the name of the dataset to be used

Add [External Data]

Any : Same

Add external data to a Dataset


File : Enter the path to the data file, leave blank to use the file being processed

Dataset : Enter the name of the dataset to be used

Two Box Mean Difference

Image : Image

Difference between the mean of two boxes


Box 1 : Define the first region of interest

Box 2 : Define the second region of interest.

Two Box Mean Ratio

Image : Image

Ratio of the mean of two boxes


Box 1 : Define the first region of interest

Box 2 : Define the second region of interest.

Mask by coordinate [Masking]

Image : Image

Mask values inside, or outside a set co-ordinate range


Coordinate : Set coordinate for to mask over

Mask range? : Mask over the range when checked, outside the range otherwise

Range : Please set two values, start and end, separated by a comma i.e. 2,4. The values should match the coordinate selected (i.e. q, 2 theta, pixel).If you delete the text, the range is cleared and the whole image used.

Read Nexus Detector Information

Image : Image

Read calibration and mask from the NeXus file being processed


readGeometry :

readMask :

Fit Imported Function


Fit a function to the data, using a function generated in the function fitting tool and exported as a NeXus file


Function File : Enter the path to the function file

optimiser :

Multiply by Scalar

Any : Same

Multipy by a scalar


value :

Subtract Scalar

Any : Same

Subtract a scalar


value :

Divide by Scalar

Any : Same

Divide by a scalar


value :

Add Scalar

Any : Same

Add a scalar


value :

Box Mean

Image : Image

Returns mean values within a Box


Box : Define the region of interest.

Subtract Average X Regions Integration

Image : XY

Subtract the average of two regions in X from the signal region


Set background 1 range : Please set two values, start and end, separated by a comma, for example 2,4. The values should match the axis . If you delete the text, the range is cleared and the whole range used.

Set background 2 range : Please set two values, start and end, separated by a comma, for example 2,4. The values should match the axis . If you delete the text, the range is cleared and the whole range used.

Set signal range : Please set two values, start and end, separated by a comma, for example 2,4. The values should match the axis . If you delete the text, the range is cleared and the whole range used.

Multiply [Internal Data]

Any : Same

Multiply dataset by internal value


Dataset : Enter the name of the dataset to be used

Subtract [Internal Data]

Any : Same

Subtract internal data from a dataset


Dataset : Enter the name of the dataset to be used

Divide [Internal Data]

Any : Same

Divide dataset by internal value


Dataset : Enter the name of the dataset to be used

Add [Internal Data]

Any : Same

Add internal data to a Dataset


Dataset : Enter the name of the dataset to be used

Multiply Frame [External Data]

Any : Same

Multiply dataset by frame (or average of stack) from external file


File : Enter the path to the data file

Dataset :

First: : Position of first (or only) dataset, leave blank to average all data

Last: : Position of end dataset, leave empty to use a single dataset

Scaling : Scaling of the multiplying data

Subtract Frame [External Data]

Any : Same

Subtract frame (or average of stack) from external file


File : Enter the path to the data file

Dataset :

First: : Position of first (or only) dataset, leave blank to average all data

Last: : Position of end dataset, leave empty to use a single dataset

Scaling : Scaling of the multiplying data

Divide Frame [External Data]

Any : Same

Multiply dataset by frame (or average of stack) from external file


File : Enter the path to the data file

Dataset :

First: : Position of first (or only) dataset, leave blank to average all data

Last: : Position of end dataset, leave empty to use a single dataset

Scaling : Scaling of the multiplying data

Add Frame

Any : Same

Add frame (or average of stack) from external file


File : Enter the path to the data file

Dataset :

First: : Position of first (or only) dataset, leave blank to average all data

Last: : Position of end dataset, leave empty to use a single dataset

Scaling : Scaling of the multiplying data


Image : Image



angular fudge factor : angular fudge factor

beam height : beam height

Boundary Box Direction : X or Y direction?

Boundary Box size (pixels) : Size of the boundary box used for background calculation

box :

Fit power : Fit power

footprint : footprint of smaple in mm

Path to normalisation file : Path to normalisation file


Image : Image



Beam Correction : Beam Correction True/False

Beam In Plane : Beam In Plane

Beam Out Plane : Beam Out Plane

Boundary Box Direction : X or Y direction?

Boundary Box size (pixels) : Size of the boundary box used for background calculation

box :

covar : covar

Detector Slits : Detector Slits

Fit power : Fit power

In Plane Slits : In Plane Slits

Inplane Polarisation : Inplane Polarisation

Out Plane Slits : Out Plane Slits

Outplane Polarisation : Outplane Polarisation

Reflectivity a : Reflectivity a

Sample Size in mm : Sample Size

Scaling/Normalisation Factor : Scaling/Normalisation Factor, if in reflectivity mode, note that this will be the division factor, in CRT mode, the multiplying factor (don't blame me).

Specular : Specular True/False

Normalisation for NCD [NCD]

Any : Same

Normalisation of datasets with errors


Absolute scale value : Absolute scaling value

Absolute scaling value from Nexus file by default : Use absolute scaling value /entry1/detector/scaling_factor from original Nexus file. If false, use scaling value defined here

Calibration channel number : Calibration channel location in scan data

Calibration data location : Location of calibration data in Nexus file

Calibration data path is default path (It) : If true, calibration data will be extracted from the default location, /entry1/It/data. If false, data will be from the calibration data location defined here

Calibration file : File containing calibration data

Calibration file is current data file : If true, calibration data will be extracted from the current data file. If false, data will be from the calibration file defined here

Thickness in file is default : The thickness value in the file at /entry1/sample/thickness is default. If false, use the thickness value in defined here

Thickness of sample : Thickness (mm)

NCD Detector Response [NCD]

Any : Same

Flat field detector response operation


Response file : File containing detector response

NCD Sector Integration [NCD]

Image : XY



Calibration XML File : The path to XML file containing the calibration data.

Integration Type : Azimuthal integration results in radial profile Radial integration results in azimuthal profile

Region of Interest : Define the region of interest

Region of Interest File : The path to the a NeXus file containing a ROI. You can click and drag a file into this field.

Import NCD Mask from File [NCD]

Image : Image



Mask File : Path to the mask file

NCD Background Subtraction [NCD]

Any : Same



Background file : File containing background data

Background Scale : Value to scale the background data

NCD Background Subtraction From Current Data [NCD]

Any : Same



Selection of Images for Background : Selection of image numbers to use in background subtraction. Use slicing syntax separated by commas

Guinier calculation [NCD]


Calculate Guinier plot and derived Rg and range, I0


NCD Averaging [NCD]


Rg calculation, filtering, then averaging


Use Rg filtering : Use Rg-based filtering to remove bad frames before averaging

NCD Invariant [NCD]


Invariant Calculation


Degree of Orientation [NCD]


Degree of Orientation


Export NCD 1-D Data [NCD]


Allow users to export the results to several different formats


Export Format : Select the export type

Select Output Directory: : Enter the path to output directory

SAXS Tools [NCD]




SAXS Tool : Select the SAXS tool to use

T parameter calculation [NCD]




Porod Operation (Interactive) [NCD]




Get auto-fit limits? : Select this to fit the limits of the straight line fit automatically

Set high-qâ?´ fit region : Two values, start and end, separated by a comma, for example 2,4. The values should match the axis. If you delete the text the range is estimated automatically.

Subtract background? : Subtract the background B parameter from the output data

Kratky From Porod Background [NCD]




Kratky Fitting (Interactive) [NCD]




Get auto-fit limits? : Select this to fit the limits of the straight line fit automatically

Numerical integration region : Two values, start and end, separated by a comma, for example 2,4. The values should match the axis. If you delete the text the range is estimated automatically.

XAFS Normalisation [XAFS Analysis]




Pre-edge energy : Define the pre-edge energy.

Post-edge energy : Define the post-edge energy.

Pre-edge polynomial order : Set order of pre-edge polynomial.

Post-edge polynomial order : Set order of post-edge polynomial.

Flatten : Subtract post edge polynomial from edge to flatten data

XAFS EDE background subtraction [XAFS Analysis]




K-weight :

offset :

Post-edge polynomial order : Define the polynomial order.

step :

XAFS FFT [XAFS Analysis]




filter :

oversample :

XAFS Normalisation Relative [XAFS Analysis]




Pre-edge energy offset : Define the position pre-edge relative to the edge.

Post-edge energy offset : Define the position post-edge relative to the edge.

Pre-edge polynomial order : Set order of pre-edge polynomial.

Post-edge polynomial order : Set order of post-edge polynomial.

Flatten : Subtract post edge polynomial from edge to flatten data

Attenuation correction [XAFS Analysis]


Correct dataset for attenuation


Attenuation distance : Enter the attenuation distance, expressed in cm

Compound : Enter the compound causing the attenuation

Density : Enter the material density, expressed in g/cm3

XAFS Rebin [XAFS Analysis]


Rebin XAFS dataset onto new energygrid


Guess edge energy : Estimate the edge energy

Edge energy : Edge energy

Edge region start : Edge region start

Edge region end : Edge region end

Pre-edge grid : Grid width before the edge region

XANES grid : Grid width within the XANES region

EXAFS grid : Grid width within the EXAFS region

XAFS Shift Energy Axis [XAFS Analysis]


Shift the energy axis


Energy Axis Shift : The value that will be used to shift the energy axis

Insert XPDF Beam Metadata [XPDF beta]

Any : Same

Insert the XPDF metadata into the main Dataset


Beam Energy (keV) : Enter the beam energy

Beam Height (mm) : Enter the beam height

Beam Width (mm) : Enter the beam width

Counting Time (s) : Enter the experiment counting time

Data File : Enter the path to the file

Dataset : Name of the dataset

Errors Dataset : Name of the dataset containing the errors

Errors File : Enter the path to the file containing the error values

Monitor Relative Flux : Enter the relative flux

Insert XPDF Sample Metadata [XPDF beta]

Any : Same

Insert the sample metadata into the processing pipeline


Counting Time : Enter a counting time for the experiment

Errors Dataset : Name of the dataset containing the errors

Errors File : Enter the path to the file containing the error values

Is x-axis 2θ? : Enter whether the x-axis is angle or momentum transfer

Monitor Relative Flux : Enter the flux relative to the monitor

Physical Params From Input : Read sample parameters from the input NeXus file

Sample Density : Enter the sample material density

Sample Identifier : Enter an identifying name for the sample

Sample Inner Distance : Enter an inner distance for the sample shape

Sample Material : Enter the IUPAC formula for the sample material

Sample NeXus file : NeXus file containing the sample parameters

Sample Outer Distance : Enter an outer distance for the sample shape

Sample Packing Fraction : Enter the sample packing fraction

Sample Shape : Enter the shape of the sample

Insert XPDF Container Metadata [XPDF beta]

Any : Same

Insert a container metadata instance into the processing pipeline


Container Density (g/cm^3) : Enter the container material density

Container Identifier : Enter an identifying name for the container

Container Inner Distance (mm) : Enter an inner distance for the container shape

Container is Downstream? : Enter whether the container exists downstream of the container

Container is Upstream? : Enter whether the container exists upstream of the container

Container Material : Enter the IUPAC formula for the container material

Container Outer Distance (mm) : Enter an outer distance for the container shape

Container Packing Fraction : Enter the container packing fraction

Container Shape : Enter the shape of the container

Counting Time (s) : Enter a counting time for the experiment

Data File : Enter the path to the file

Dataset : Name of the dataset

Errors Dataset : Name of the dataset containing the errors

Errors File : Enter the path to the file containing the error values

Monitor Relative Flux : Enter the flux relative to the monitor

XPDF Lorch Fourier Transform (th_soq to dofr) [XPDF beta]


Apply the Lorch Fourier Transform to enter r-space.


Lorch width : Enter the width of the Lorch Fourier filter

Maximum Q : Enter the maximum Q up to which to take the transform.

Rmax (Angstroms) : Enter the maximum radius to consider

Rstep (Angstroms) : Enter the radius increment

Seek next minimum? : Seek the next extremum after Qmax?

Seek next zero? : Seek the next zero after Qmax?

XPDF D(r) to G(r) [XPDF beta]


Convert from the D(r) PDF to G(r)


XPDF Tophat background subtraction (soq to th_soq) [XPDF beta]


Remove background using a tophat filter


Rmax (Angstroms) : Enter the maximum radius to consider

Rmin (Angstroms) : Enter the minimum radius to consider

Rstep (Angstroms) : Enter the radius increment

Tophat width (Angstroms) : Enter the width of the Tophat filter

XPDF Self-scattering and Normalisation (ABSCOR to soq) [XPDF beta]

Any : Same

Calculate the theoretical self-scattring, and use it to normalise the data


XPDF Normalise Data (count to Normon) [XPDF beta]

Any : Same

Normalise all datasets according to their count time and relative flux


Normalise all container traces? : Normalize all the container data, if unnormalized

Normalise empty beam trace? : Normalize the beam data, if unnormalized

Normalise sample trace? : Normalize the sample data, if unnormalized

XPDF Subtract Background (Normon to SUBBAK) [XPDF beta]

Any : Same

Subtract the empty beam data from the sample and empty container data


Subtract all container backgrounds? : Subtract the background from the container data

Subtract sample background? : Subtract the background from the sample data

XPDF Iterate Calibration Constant (SUBBAK to ABSCOR) [XPDF beta]

Any : Same

Calibrate the data to best match the theoretical scattering, and subtract the sample fluorescence


Calculate fluorescence? : Perform a real fluorescence calculation

Correct fluorescence? : Do the fluorescence calculations as part of the calibration

Fluorescence scale : Fixed user fluorescence scale

Number of iterations : Enter the number of iterations to perform

Parallel threads : Number of parallel threads to use for the fluorescence calibration

Regenerate absorption maps : Regenegerate the absorption maps

Sort containers? : Enter whether to sort the previously inserted containers

XPDF Define Detector [XPDF beta]

Any : Any

Define the detector parameters used to take the data


Detector Density (g/cm^3) : Enter the detector material density

Detector Material : Enter the IUPAC formula detector material

Detector Name : Enter a name for the detector

Detector Thickness (mm) : Enter the detector thickness

Solid Angle (sr) : Enter the solid angle subtended by the detector

XPDF Azimuthal Integration [XPDF beta]

Image : XY

An XPDF-specific version of the azimuthal integration Operation.


Azimuthal range : Please set two values, start and end, separated by a comma i.e. -90,90, maximum range is 360

Number of bins : Set number of bins for integration axis, leave blank for maximum pixel distance on detector

Pixel splitting :

Radial range : Please set two values, start and end, separated by a comma i.e. 2,4.The values should match the axis selected (i.e. q, 2 theta, pixel).If you delete the text, the range is cleared and the whole image used.

XPDF Read Metadata [XPDF beta]

Image : Image

Read the XPDF metadata from a NeXus file


Read beam data :

Read beam information :

Read container data :

Read container information :

Read detector calibration :

Read detector information :

Read mask :

Read sample information :

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