Installation Guide- Windows

Installation Guide- Windows

  • From this link download and run the 32 or 64 bit (depending on your machine processor) Windows Bundle, i.e. either HyperSpy-Bundle-2019-03-06-py37-32bit.exe or HyperSpy-Bundle-2019-03-06-py37-64bit.exe. It is not necessary to have admin rights for this install (you would have to select Single User if you are not admin)- NOTE: You would need to uninstall previous Miniconda / Anaconda installs. Also make sure to delete conda envs and pckgs folders (AppData\Local\conda\conda) and restart your PC before the above installation.
  • Make sure that your default browser is Firefox or Chrome
  • In the Windows menu, find the newly installed package (Windows > All Programs > HyperSpy Bundle)  and open JupyterLab and under Notebook select Python3 environment
  • Test the install by executing the following code in the notebook (copy the code in the box and press the Run button at the top, or press Shift + Enter):

    Installation check
    %matplotlib qt
    import hyperspy.api as hs
    import numpy as np
    import atomap.api as am
    import pyxem as px
    import pixstem as ps

    If the installation is correct, you should not get any error messages. 

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