

Do not attempt to do anything you have not been trained to do by ePSIC staff.

E01 is equipped with a Gatan Quantum GIF for electron energy loss spectroscopy.

To acquire EELS spectra:

  1. Set camera length to 2.5 cm.
  2. Select 5 mm entrance aperture on EELS spectrometer.
  3. Select dispersion value required.
  4. Under EELS window select single and user profile.
  5. Ensure energy shift is at zero.
  6. Ensure exposure time <1x10-4 s.
  7. Start view and manually increase exposure time until ~1x104 intensity in the zero-loss peak.
  8. Adjust PL deflectors to maximise intensity of zero loss peak.
  9. Align zero loss peak (automatic procedure under "tune GIF")
  10. Adjust focus x, y and Sx , Sy of zero loss peak to minimise FWHM.
  11. Select dual mode and required collection profile.
  12. Once spectrum obtained highlight area around zero-loss peak, select SI menu and align SI by peak. This will realign all spectra to the zero loss peak position.


Reference EELS spectra can be found on the Gatan website and at the EELS database.

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