Gatan Scripts

Gatan Scripts

Useful and working Gatan scripts can be found on the Gatan PC in "documents\Gatan User scripts".

If you would like to run your own script or need additional functionality please discuss with your local contact.


Author: Thomas Slater (ePSIC)

Automates the acquisition of STEM images of nanoparticles.

If you av)re interested in using this script please speak to your local contact.


Author: Quantum Detectors 

Control the Merlin/Medipix from within digital micrograph. 


Author: Chris Allen (ePSIC)

Draws the location on the Merlin/Medipix on the OneView camera


Author: Lewys Jones (Oxford/Trinity Dublin)

Acquires ADF1 and BF sequential rotated frames for Smart Align reconstruction.

See http://lewysjones.com/software/smart-align/ for Matlab reconstruction code.


Author: David Mitchell (University of Wollongong)

Acquire Fast multiple STEM frames.  


Author: TBC

TEM through Focal Series acquisition.

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