Loading and unloading your sample

Loading and unloading your sample

Do not attempt to do anything that you have not been trained to do by ePSIC staff.

Always wear gloves when handling the TEM specimen holder.

If moving the TEM specimen holder between rooms always carry them in a protective case.

Do not over tighten the holder screws.

Always support the specimen holder tip with the correct plinth when loading samples.

Inserting the specimen holder

  • Check the o-rings before inserting the specimen holder into the microscope. Remove any dust or hair with a wooden ‘cocktail’ stick or edge of lint free tissue. Please inform your local contact if the o-rings require re-greasing.

  • Check the vespel ring for any dirt and clean with a lint free tissue if required.

  • Ensure the beam valve is closed and the sample stage at neutral position.

  • Line up the guide pin with the guide groove and insert the specimen holder into the microscope using the following procedure:

        1. Slowly insert the specimen holder into the pumping chamber. Once fully inserted press the pump button. Wait for the green ‘ready’ LED light.
        2. Rotate the specimen holder clockwise a small distance to the stop.
        3. Insert the specimen holder a small distance to the stop.
        4. Rotate the specimen holder clockwise to the stop
        5. Slowly inset the specimen holder into the microscope.
Always keep hold of the specimen holder during insertion.


Extracting the specimen holder

  • Ensure the beam valve is closed and goniometer at neutral position.
  • Extract the specimen holder from the microscope using the following procedure:
  1. Slowly retract the specimen holder to the stop.
  2. Rotate the specimen holder counter clockwise to the stop.
  3. Retract the specimen holder a small distance to the stop.
  4. Rotate the specimen holder counter clockwise a little to stop.
  5. Press the pump button on the goniometer case. The light will go out and the chamber vent with nitrogen gas. Once vented (30s), slowly retract the specimen holder from the pumping chamber.

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