Ending your session
Ending your session
Do not attempt to do anything you have not been specifically trained to do by ePSIC staff.
- If in STEM mode select ‘Ronchigram’ in TEMCentre. This will remove all detectors.
- Close the beam valve.
- Remove all apertures.
- If you are the last user of the day run down the emission.
- If EDX detector has been used, ensure it is warmed and retracted (standby).
- If you want to remove your sample from the microscope:
- Neutralise the stage and remove the specimen holder.
- Insert the ACD heater into the nitrogen dewar.
- Initiate ACD heat in TEMCentre (under Control > Maintenance).
- If you want to leave your sample in the microscope for experiments the following day, skip step 6 and refill the liquid nitrogen dewar.
- If you have been using the data dispenser, on the data dispenser browser window click finalise and wait for the system to check all your data has been copied.
- If you have been lone working contact the EHC (8787) to inform them that you are leaving the site.
If this is the final day of your experiment, please inform your local contact that you are finished with the microscope before your departure from the control room.
- Make sure you have taken all your samples with you. Any samples left behind need prior discussion with ePSIC staff.
- Disconnect from the remote connections. Do not close COSMO / GMS software. Log off from your accounts on the local control room PC's.
, multiple selections available,
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