COSMO corrector (STEM)

COSMO corrector (STEM)

Do not attempt to do anything you have not been trained to do by ePSIC staff.

In order to run the COSMO corrector the sample must have areas of thin amorphous material.

If sample contaminates significantly the aberration correction will fail. If possible beam shower the sample.

Ensure super fine control of the objective lens (super fine defocus) is not selected.

  1. Ensure at zero defocus and set sample height to infinite magnification on thin amorphous material.
  2. Set camera length to 40cm and centre the ronchigram on the OneView camera with the PL deflectors.
  3. Stop the OneView camera.

  4. Ensure Cosmo software is in STEM mode and select 250nm defocus.

  5. Press single on the Cosmo software and correct for P3, A2 and O2.

  6. Repeat step 5 until P3<300nm, A2<50nm and O2< 10nm.
  7. Press single then press run to correct for higher order aberrations.
  8. Iterate steps 5 to 7.
  9. Once aberrations converge reduce the defocus to 150 nm and repeat steps 5 to 8.
  10. Further reduce the defocus stepwise to 25nm iterating steps 5 to 8 until required aberration values are reached.

AberrationJEOL notation'Good' value
2-fold stigA2


 Coma P3 <50nm
 3-fold stig A3 <50nm
 Spherical O4 <2um
 Star Q4 <2um
 4-fold stig A4 <2um

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